Playing your part: LIST Of IDEAS

Playing your part for the planet, can be interpreted widely. 

GO Mission Control  have compiled a list of different kinds of event you might like to plan or contribute to for the CONCERT FOR THE PLANET during Earth Hour.

If you are thinking of creating an event, we strongly encourage you to use your own imagination and creativity and tailor the event to suit you & your Community. Have a look through the following event suggestions to get you going:


  • Initiate an event by bringing musicians and your community together in your house or a public space (ie: hall, church, pub, park, ...etc)
  • Host a private candle lit dinner in your house with friends and listen to the broadcast of the SSO's Concert for the Planet live (Australian EST) from the Sydney Opera House... or listen to the relayed performance via Youtube or the GO website.
  • Find a performance event near you via our website and be in the audience.
  • Invite your community to a public space and tune in to the SSO's Concert for the Planet. (Could be a DIY picnic, or in a Pub, restaurant or other catered space)

Using our online learning Platform, learn and prepare some of the "ALL IN" parts and come together with your friends and community to performance and take part.

Ideally we'd love you to put this event on your yearly calendar:

Host a public performance of some or all of the work in a local venue 

Interpret a movement of the work in your own style of music and put on a your own unique Concert for the Planet for your audience, come in with you part when the time's right.

Charlie Chan1 Comment